Wednesday, February 16, 2011


  1. It's good to see you and know you are holding up under the inclement political weather. The world is such a mess! I think south Africa bears the brunt of the upheaval.

    Stumpy was chasing some large critters yesterday (NOT with my permission) and there was a certain horse that wanted to stomp her! I couldn't hardly blame the horse. Fortunately, I was able to capture Stumpy to keep her from being hurt.

    You and Rocket be careful and don' be chasing all the meat off of those cattle or messing with the cows milk output!!

    Happy tails!
    Stumpy and her bean

  2. Hey Musole! Its very good to hear from you again. We understand a little of what it is like for you, miserable politics and all. But we still love to get some news from you whenever possible.

    So until nextime, Musole, God's Blessings!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat
